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EXCERPT from A Night of Passion (Adult Edition)

Due to the adult nature of the prologue it has not been included here.


Prue Granger stepped into the busy corner deli opposite the broadcast center to pick up a vanilla latte before facing her first day on the job. She had landed the role of personal assistant to Rachelle Reed, one of New York’s top morning talk show hosts, and had recently moved to The Big Apple from Pittsburgh. It was a culture shock, to say the least, but the city had already found a place in her heart.

She had been in a lessor role at WTAE Channel 4, for the past five years, attempting to work her way up the media corporate ladder to become a production manager on their regular morning show, but when the job had been handed to an outsider, Prue knew it was time to look further afield. She was nervous and excited about working with Rachelle as she walked along the sidewalk carrying the container of hot coffee. It was a chilly winter morning and the city was bustling with pedestrians, taxis, cars and couriers making their way to wherever they had to be for the day.

Prue knew this move was a huge opportunity for her and she was going to do everything she could to ensure her success. It was a dream come true. She had been told that a thousand other girls would have killed for the opportunity to work with Rachelle, and Prue realized she would have to step up her game if she wanted to retain the position and move up in the world of television.
She approached the front entrance and gazed up at the large black CBS Broadcast Center sign emblazoned on the side of the stainless steel marquee and sighed. She was there at last and about to start a new phase in her life. One she hoped would take her career to a whole new level.

When she walked over to the revolving door, the glass one beside it swung open and a young man held it for her to step through.
Prue smiled. “Thanks. You’re a gentleman.”

“My pleasure.” He held out his hand. “I’m Gabe Hamilton, welcome to CBS. We’ll be working together on Rachelle’s show.”

How did he know who she was? She shook his hand. “I’m Prue Granger, but you already knew that, didn’t you?”

“Yes… and I’m not psychic.” His smile broadened and he raised his left hand. It contained a blue manila folder with her name on it.

“Oh, of course,” she said, her smile widening.

“Ok, follow me.” He led her along the ground floor corridor lined with lightboxes of current News and TV presenters. “These smiling faces are our news, current affairs and talk show hosts. You’ll see them floating around the building from time to time.” He headed back along the corridor. “The elevator’s this way. Before we get started, you should be aware that Rachelle can be a bit of a diva at times, but you’ll get used to it. She’s a nice enough person until you make a mistake and end up on her wrong side. I guess you could say she’s passionate about her job.”

Prue’s stomach did an uneasy flip flop. “I thought she was meant to be lovely. That’s what I’ve been told.”

“Don’t get me wrong, she is lovely, but she can be dramatic sometimes. When that happens all hell breaks loose. She is, after all, one of the top talk show hosts in New York, in the US for that matter. Goes with the territory.”

Prue was grateful for the heads up. She wanted to make a good impression on the CBS hierarchy and Rachelle Reed. She planned to move up the ladder this time and not be knocked back for someone younger with less experience. “Good to know. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

The elevator doors swished open and Prue and Gabe stepped inside. “I’ll show you around and introduce you to the people you’ll be working with. Always a good icebreaker before your first show.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.” Prue’s heart did a little shudder. Joining a new team and being the new kid on the block was difficult at best, there was bound to be someone who didn’t like her, but she was determined to make it work.

“We usually record two shows with the same audience and do a seat swap during the break. It’s fairly painless. You’ll need to be here bright and early tomorrow morning for the briefing before the show.”

“Oh, ok, what time?” She glanced at her watch although she didn’t know why.

“Seven thirty.”

Prue wanted to show him she was a flexible team player. “Sure, no problem. I can be here.”

“Great.” The elevator stopped and the doors slid open. “Here we are.” He gestured for her to step out. “After you.”

“Thanks.” She stepped into the corridor, Gabe following her.

“Ok, let’s get started.”

After doing the rounds and introductions, Gabe escorted Prue to Rachelle’s dressing room. He knocked.

“Go away.” Came the warning from inside.

“Rachelle, I have Prue Granger with me, your new personal assistant. She would very much like to meet you.” He gave Prue an uncertain smile and mouthed, “This is what I mean.”

The door flew open. “Well why didn’t you say so?” She threw out her hand. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

Prue reached for Rachelle’s hand but the TV host turned and strutted back to the mirror to check her makeup.

Gabe cleared his throat and motioned for Prue to go in. Prue wasn’t sure she should. She shook her head. “After you,” Gabe said, motioning with his head.

Prue decided to try some reverse psychology. “I can see Rachelle is busy so we can make it another time.”

Rachelle swung around, pursed her lips and gave Prue the once over. “No, it’s fine. Come on in. Better now than never.”

Prue gave Gabe an unsure glance before stepping through the doorway and wondered what she had gotten herself into.

Want to continue reading? Pick up your copy here

© 2015 Maggie Anderson
Bella Luna Books, Australia

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission of the Author.

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